Partnerschaftsgesellschaft mbB
Registered Office: Cologne,
Local Court Essen, PR 1466
Konrad-Adenauer-Ufer 11
Germany - 50668 Cologne
Tel. +49 221 65065-0, Fax +49 221 65065-110
List of the Partners (each one awarded sole power of representation):
Dr. Henning W. Wahlers
Dr. Detlef Grimm
Dr. Thomas Schulte-Beckhausen
Dr. Andreas Fink
Dr. Walter Klein
Dr. Raimund Schütz
Dr. Frank Heerstraßen
Dr. Martin Brock
Dr. Nikolai Wolff
Dr. Stefan Maaßen, LL.M.
Dr. Stefan Stock, MScRE
Dr. Cedric C. Meyer
Dr. Mirko Ehrich
Dr. Martin Empt, LL.M.
Dr. Sebastian Pelzer
Dr. Sebastian Kalb, MBA
Dr. Kristina Schreiber
Dr. Felix Ebbinghaus
Dr. Oliver Kerpen
Dr. Simon Kohm
Dr. Maike Friedrich, LL.M.
Dr. Sandra Orlikowski-Wolf
Dr. Marcel Kleemann
Dr. Hans-Georg Schreier, LL.M.
Dr. Robert Kessler
Janos Mahlo
Dr. Stefan Freh
Dr. Patrick Pommerening
Dr. Söre Jötten
Dr. Nils Derksen
Arne Gehrke, LL.M.
Prof. Dr. Markus Ruttig
Statement pursuant to Sec. 5 Digitale Dienste Gesetz (DDG – Digital Services Act):
All lawyers are admitted to the bar in the
Federal Republic of Germany.
All of our lawyers are members of the Law
Society of Cologne, Riehler Straße,
50668 Köln.
Our work is regulated in particular by the following
legal provisions governing our profession:
- Bundesrechtsanwaltsordnung (BRAO – Federal Lawyers‘ Act)
- Berufsordnung der Rechtsanwälte (BORA – Lawyers‘ Rules of Professional Practice)
- Fachanwaltsordnung (FAO – Certified Specialist Lawyers‘ Code)
- Rechtsanwaltsvergütungsgesetz (RVG – Lawyers‘ Fees Act)
- Bundesgebührenordnung für Rechtsanwälte (BRAGO – Federal Lawyers‘ Fees Code)
- Berufsregeln der Europäischen Rechtsanwälte (CCBE-Berufsregeln – Code of Conduct for European Lawyers)
All provisions are to be found on the homepage of the Bundesrechtsanwaltskammer (Federal Law Society):
» Professional Law and Case Law
» EU Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) Platform
Information on Professional Liability Insurance:
Pursuant to Sec. 51 BRAO, lawyers are obligated to maintain a professional liability insurance providing for a minimum sum insured of 250,000 €. For each lawyer at Loschelder, there is insurance in place with the AXA-Versicherungs AG, Coloniaallee 10-20, 51067 Cologne.
USt-IdNr: DE 221 65 00 35
Steuer-Nr: 215/5797/0144
Finanzamt Köln-Mitte
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A Vista Studios
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visuelle Kommunikation
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