Chemicals law, REACH
European chemicals law is governed by the European REACH Regulation. With respect to the European and German chemicals law, REACH prescribes a comprehensive evaluation of the substances put into circulation by their producers or importers if their quantity exceeds one tonne per year. Thus the producers or importers are obliged to analyse the substances and have them registered with the European chemicals agency “ECHA” in Helsinki. Based on the principle “No market without data”, otherwise they are no longer allowed to put the substances into circulation. In addition, substances which are particularly hazardous to the environment are subject to licensing.
All members of the supply chain are obliged to inform each other of the hazardousness nature of the substances and their use.
We provide legal advice to companies that are subject to chemicals law on all issues relating to implementation of the REACH Regulation. This also includes the identification of the substances, preparations and products falling under REACH, the particularities of import and re-import to the EU, the drafting of contracts with exclusive dealers, communication with the ECHA, the drafting of consortium agreements in the Substance Information Exchange Forum (“SIEF”) as well as relationships with other registrants.