Loschelder PhD scholarship 2023
LOSCHELDER has now awarded a PhD scholarship for the 23rd time. With the aim of contributing to the connection between science and practice, the law firm supports doctoral projects of qualified young lawyers with two scholarships each year.
The recipient of the 23rd Loschelder PhD scholarship is Ms. Amelie Klein, who is working on a dissertation with Prof. Dr. Christoph Thole on the topic "Das Informationsrecht des Gläubigerausschussmitglieds gem. § 69 S. 2 InsO". Prof. Dr. Christoph Thole holds the Chair of Procedural Law and Insolvency Law at the University of Cologne.
Ms. Klein will receive a grant of 1,500 euros per month as well as a workplace in the law firm, whose facilities (e.g. legal databases, libraries) she can use for the preparation of her dissertation. In addition, she will be involved in the work of the Restructuring & Insolvency Law practice group one day a week, giving her a practical insight into the work of a lawyer.
During this time, Ms. Klein will be supervised by our lawyer Dr. Nils Derksen, who advises on restructurings, insolvencies and distressed M&A transactions.
Interested parties can apply for the 24th Loschelder doctoral scholarship (winter semester 2023/2024) until 31.10.2023. Further information can be found here.
The contact person is Katrin Schwarz (Tel.: 0221/65065-107; e-mail: katrin.schwarz@loschelder.de).