"High professional level, yet very pleasant to deal with" (Wettbewerber, JUVE-Handbuch 2023/24)
"High level in the UWG, powerful opponent" (Wettbewerber, JUVE-Handbuch 2022/23)
In the top 3 leading attorneys in intellectual property law (Kanzleimonitor 2021/2022)
„Very good litigator, expert in Trade Secret law“ (Competitor, JUVE Handbuch 2019/2020)
Intellectual property lawyer most recommended by in-house counsel (Kanzleimonitor 2018/2019)
„Good cooperation“ (Client, JUVE Handbuch 2016/2017)
„Very professional and objective“ (Competitor, JUVE Handbuch 2014/2015)
„Very careful and proactive“ (Competitor, JUVE Handbuch 2013/2014)